GREEN TL - An NGO helping villagers in Oecusse


In 2004 OzGREEN, an Australian NGO, set up an NGO, GREEN TL - registered with the NGO Forum in Dili. OzGREEN trained Timorese staff to ensure that GREEN TL became an independent, successful NGO. It has now taken over the work of OzGREEN in Oecusse.

GREEN TL is a not-for-profit organisation committed to addressing critical environmental issues by enabling informed and active community participation in the building of a life-sustaining, equitable society.

GREEN TL/OzGREEN work with youth, local communities, District Administration, schools and business in rural and urban settings to:

  1. Engage people to connect to their place and one another

  2. Equip people to investigate their place and voice their concerns

  3. Enable people to envision a better world based on the principles of ecological sustainability, social justice and equity.

Project methodology is based on participatory learning and action programs developed by OzGREEN. Participatory action – involvement of the people in their own forward change and development – is the only way to ensure success and sustainability of change.

The Timor Leste program was established in 2001 in the isolated enclave of Oecusse, which had been largely ignored by other INGOs.

Our Project

Village Environmental Action Planning with local communities, is the core of our work. This gives villagers the opportunity to develop their unique way forward by:

  1. Preparing a detailed village resource map and time line

  2. Conducting water quality tests and environmental assessment

  3. Identifying key village issues

  4. Developing a vision for the future

  5. Developing and implementing strategies and
    actions to ensure sustainability

Click on the links at the top of the page for information about GreenTL projects and newsletters


Rotary Australia : RAWCS -

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Contact Judy Charnaud